I wanted to write to you to say how deeply grateful…. deeply grateful I am to the Lord for your willingness and positioning to be used by Him to lead me through my deliverance. Deliverance has never been taught in the church circles I have been brought in. I knew something was not right but not until my boyfriend gave me a copy of Don Dickerman’s book did I have a greater understanding of what was going on in my life and my daughters. I was shocked by the experience… I can’t believe a tongue talking bible thumping gal like me had opened huge doors for oppression, and how that had been a part of my life for so long! I can say I know I am changed ,and those close to me see behavioral changes in me for the better… I actually deeply desire to be an honorable women, and dress like one…. I used to watch a lot of the Brovo Housewives shows.. they were my favorites….. I have no desire and I have conviction never to turn them on again… I want to be the best temple I can be for Jesus. My 4 year old came to me and told me she isn’t afraid of the dark anymore and that the monsters and dinosaurs that would scare her in her dreams have gone! She has not had one night terror since my coming to you and receiving my deliverance. I am not afraid of the interstate either, I was traveling with my boyfriend and didn’t even notice until he pointed out to me that we were on then off of the interstate… I never noticed, how awesome! There are so many things big and small i have noticed and keep noticing in my life. and the other part of retraining my flesh and praising God is going to continue to be a journey but at least i am on the proper road now! Just like salvation deliverance is a process I would recommend for every individual and has to be an foundation part of ministry and life in growth for new and old Christians. I want everyone to take this journey. Ignorance leaves a person oppressed unnecessarily. I want to continue to root myself, and then dig deeper in training and know how to walk others through deliverance. I couldn’t imagine living one more day bound. Everyone needs this freedom. it was for freedom that Christ has set us free, no longer to be subject to the yoke of slavery. That’s what I rejoice in. I will see you all again i am sure, and i want to bring others to receive healing as well, groups… this is to vital….. My friend Mike who came with me will be there on the First as well as other friends who he spoke and shared my experience. i will be there soon making a trip with my boyfriend who told me about you all in the first place. i am excited to see God use us as we yield and open the doors for many to follow to freedom after us. I love you Jeanie… the experience I had with you and the Father will be a monument forever in my life and marks a new beginning of new thinking and freedom. Thank you so much! I love you!
